First ever photos in a magazine

February 8, 2018

When I got a mail this morning showing me this article in BUNTE magazine, I’ve been kind of amazed for some reason. 😀 This is the first time ever that I see any of my work printed / on paper. It’s a weird feeling and I actually really enjoy having something proper in my hands when looking at what I’m „producing‟. Usually, everything’s digital and you forget about it immediately bc well, its digital 😉. Considering the fact I never wanted to take photos the past years because I always felt like I’m not good enough, I think its even funnier that – thanks to Nico – now pictures that I created are printed in a magazine. Thanks, Nico, and family, without you – all this – wouldn’t be possible! It’s a huge motivation and makes me work even harder towards the future! 🙂 2018, you better get ready, I’m about to pack my bags! 🙂

Other than that today has been very simple. I took some time to enjoy the weather and the snow, did a bit of work, took time to do some sports and then went to dinner and drinks with my family. Life is good. 🙂 That simple!

Over and out for tonight. /Seppi
