Highperforming in a healthier way
June 25, 2023

This week felt a bit like most weeks in 2019. I had jobs every day all day and then went to a wedding on Friday. What happend and what I now do differently than old Seppi – read on and you’ll know.
On Monday I got to fullfill another dream: I got to shot in the Allianz Arena in Munich. Together with Thomas Müller we filmed some great content for Thomas’ YouTube channel. Being able to set foot on the famous pitch in the stadium made young Seppi very happy.
To prepare for a very full day of shooting I asked to include a short lunch break – might sound like a joke to some but for me this is a huge change. Something I never did before. But as some of you know, I’m getting hangry pretty quickly 🙂 so that was a simple step to make sure I keep my energy up and be happy during the day.
Next up was shooting golf content with Thomas and Gareth Bale on Tuesday, one of the hottest days so far this year. My girlfriend Janine always reminds me of using sunscreen – something she does religiously. No morning goes by where she doesn’t use SPF 50 on her face. Back in 2018 when I joined Nico Rosberg all over the world during the Formula 1 season I can’t even recount how many sunburns I had. Pretty severe ones too, where my skin was literally burnt. Sleepless nights and bad headaches included.
Again, using sunscreen is such a simple thing to do. But it makes such a big difference in my work life and in my personal well‐being.
The last change I fully implemented this week is taking time for things that I really want to do. On Thursday my partner Dennis and I went to the northeastern part of Bavaria shoot some caravan content. Janine and I had already bought some tickets to go to Leon Windscheids show in Munich. We’re huge fans of the psychologist and were very excited to go see him live in beautiful Circus Krone. Old Seppi would have missed out on it in order to work more and stay at the shoot longer. But now we agreed on ending the job early enough to arrive back in Munich in time to go to the show. It was even better than we excepted and I’m very glad that I finally step up for what’s important to me.
My week ended with the beautiful wedding of Janine’s cousin Lina. We had a great time and again I was proud of how much my self esteem grew and how comfortable I feel again with being at such events as a wedding or a big birthday party.

During the harder time in therapy I sometimes lost hope and just pushed through. But it always pays off. It does. Put in the work, believe in yourself and never lose hope. And one day all things will fall into place.
I wish you a kick ass Sunday